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🥊Back to Training

-Miyamoto Musashi

Technique, Technique, Technique

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this on the blog or not; One thing I learned at Tiger Muay Thai was that if you wanted to really improve, then you need to do a combination of private classes, group classes, as well as Strength & Conditioning training. Privates being the most important class.

Private Classes - Technique

In privates you build a relationship with the coach and gym. If you consistently show up to train, the coach will slowly understand you and you understand the coach. During privates, you usually focus on learning the technical side of your martial art. Combinations, basics, and tricks to build up your game. Some sparring might be included with the coach, but it is very technical/fun sparring.

Group Classes - Conditioning & Sparring

Since group classes are usually longer than privates, you get some conditioning. While in Thailand, group classes had sparring or clinch sparring every single session. You can use this time to try out the techniques practiced in your private classes. Another benefit of group training is you build a relationship with the gym's other coaches and students.

Strength & Conditioning - The Part No One Likes

The last part is Strength & Conditioning, this is usually done on your own at the amateur level. Where as the semi-pro, professionals have coaches, programs, and nutritionists to help them. This includes getting those miles in running, stretching, lifting weights, and more. This one varies the most, as everyone has their own things they need or want to work on. Just remember, train like an athlete not a body builder when doing S&C for martial arts. Sprints, Jump Ropes, Kettlebells, Slam Balls, Battle Ropes, and Plyometrics are some of the exercises included within a martial artists' S&C program.

Reflecting on Your Own Training

When looking at your own training, you also have to look at why you are training martial arts. If you're wanting to be a professional and are only doing group classes, you might have to rethink your training. Or, if you're already fighting actively and you feel like something is missing from your training; maybe you need S&C or maybe you need more technical training? Your reason for training might change throughout your time in martial arts. Someone who has just fought might lessen their training for a few weeks. While a hobbyist might suddenly want to take their martial art more seriously. So make sure your training intensity aligns with your why.

Taking time to reflect after every "milestone" in training will help you avoid burnout and keep the enjoyment.

Hope this helps.


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