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  • Writer's pictureJohnny

Working Tirefully

Sore hands grasp a wheel

A blur of lights passing by

Goodbye red and green


For a site about my adventure, I really haven't posted much.

The past two weeks have all been work. Working in a factory, through the weekends, waiting for payday. All so I can just put the money away and do it again. I do go to MMA/BJJ class two or three times per week and try to meditate a few times a week. Besides that, there isn't much to my life.

I eat rice, carrots, salads, meat, burgers, bread.

I drink water, coconut water, electrolyte powder, milk, and more water.

Inside my mind, I'm thinking of adventure. In my mind I look at all the places my parents and I have lived in my life: California, Wisconsin, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota and China. Combine that with all of the places I visited over the past two years... the feeling of wanderlust is born.

But, I cannot forget about what I can do in the present moment to enjoy (and improve) myself. Studying languages, sciences, and taking tests, challenging myself. Learning new things while sharpening my skills in what I already know. This is what I should be doing.

I'm just tired.

I've been working tirefully. Not tirelessly. For I am not without tire, I am full of it.

Through this feeling, I should persevere. Tired is a good feeling. It means I'm working. It means I'm trying. It means I'm making progress.

And that is good.

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