"We don't respect fighters... Look he's half naked. He fights in a steel cage for a paycheck in front of a drunken audience."
A Late Night...
The smell of cigarettes, weed, and fruit filled the as as loud music thundered in the small "Stadium". People of all kinds came to watch the event. Young, old, couples, fighters, and more. It was a bout between local gyms, Eight fights, and four belts on the line. People sat comfortably in the "VIP" seats to get a close look at the action while an old Thai walked around the ring collecting bets. Fighters were sat behind the crowds of spectators, stretching, oiling up, and concentrating on whatever lingering thoughts popped into their minds.
It was interesting to see what a real Muay Thai fight looks like. Not in a massive stadium with many promoters or sponsors. Just some local fight that very few people even know about. As I sat in my plastic chair waiting for the event to start, questions began to emerge. Do I want to do this? Why would anyone do this? The only answer that came up was Entertainment and Money. That is the only reason that this goes on. Fighters get paid. The gyms get paid. The promoters get paid. The gamblers get paid.
The quote from Chael Sonnen came into my mind as I watched these fighters of various experience levels bash into each other like two bulls. Half of the audience wasn't paying attention. They were either drunk already, on their phones, or talking to who ever they met at the event. The only people who really watched the fights were the coaches, fighters, teammates, and gamblers.
It makes you wonder if the rest really want to be there. My thoughts were confirmed during the last fight. Before the result was called, half of the audience had already left their seats.
Weekend Plans
End of the Week!
My first weekend to just relax in Phuket. Do to the late night last night, I ended up sleeping very little. Got home and slept around midnight, woke up about 4 or 5ish. Took a nap around 11 am.
I'm relieved that I enjoy Thailand so far. It is a different culture and a different feel to back at home. There are many things that I still have to learn about living in Thailand but it is only my fourth day here. There is no rush.
People have asked me about my trips to China and Germany. Questions like, "Aren't you nervous?" or "What if [blank] happens?". Usually I would reply, "No" or simply, "Oh well". Obviously, I am nervous while traveling as there is always a risk. There are many things you cannot control. Being confident in what you can control and accepting what you can't makes travel a whole lot easier.
Saturday Goals
Today, my goals are simple:
Get money out of ATM
Buy some Sunscreen
Buy Fruit for the room
Finish Editing Video!
In order for me to be productive, creating daily, weekly and monthly goals is a must. It keeps me productive, active, and I can never say that I'm bored as there is always something on the list to do. Even if its just as simple as doing laundry.
Relaxed Mind
These four months will go by so fast. I have a lot of work and training to do. Monday, I'm starting the intermediate Muay Thai class. Next week I'll be adding BJJ to the training mix. There are ideas I've got rolling in my head for my website. Videos, always working on silly videos. Even with all of that on my mind, I'm still pretty relaxed.
Hope you all have a good weekend.
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